elenemigos-games.site complies with the rules proposed by the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) and does not host any of the video game links available on this website, nor is it engaged in copying or uploading video games to any website. elenemigos-games.site is simply an index of links available on the Internet, mainly on popular hosting sources such as MEGA, Mediafire, Gofile, 1Fichier, Qiwi, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter.
elenemigos-games.site is not responsible for the content of video games hosted on third-party websites. Therefore, copyright infringement notices should be directed to the responsible third-party websites where the content is actually hosted. If you believe that any of the above content is linked to content that infringes your copyright, please contact the respective third-party websites to have their content removed from the Internet. Please write to us at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.